Speaking Images For Kids

What is Speaking images for kids
Speaking images for kids is a very useful application for learning pronunciation and language vocabulary. It provides an easy and friendly way to learn new foreign words, especially suitable for little kids.

Speaking images for kids can also be useful for anyone who wants to practice and test his foreign language skills. It can be used by language teachers who want to help their students at school.

For the moment Speaking images for kids comes for English language only, but it can be easily customized for other languages.

New language packs are coming soon.

How it works
Speaking images for kids uses a technique often used by different language teaching methodologies. It shows an image with a recognizable object on the screen and plays the pronunciation of the word for this object, thus the word pronunciation is easily associated with the displayed object.

Try the fruit demo

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Speaking Images for Kids © 2010 Kroum Grigorov
All Content: Property & Copyright To Their Respective Owners. Licensed Under Creative Commons License.
Images: Flickr.com. Audio: Forvo.com. Programming: Speaking Images for Kids.